What to Expect
Welcome! Are you looking for a church or planning to visit Victory in Christ? We hope the following information will be helpful to you. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like more information.
- What should I wear? Many people wear dress clothes, while some, dress more casually. Wednesday services tend to be more casual than Saturday & Sunday services as some folks will come directly from work. Regardless, we encourage you to wear clothes that are sensible and comfortable, and modest. Whether you wear a tuxedo or jeans, you are welcome.
- Will I be singled out as a guest? We will not point you out as a guest, or make you stand up as a part of the service and introduce yourself, but we will try and greet you as you arrive and we will encourage you to fill out and turn in a Visitor Information card.
- What about children? Children are always welcome. We want families to worship together. Children's activity bags are available in the back of the church. If you need to take your child out of the sanctuary during the service, you can still listen to the service on the speakers in the narthex or in the nursery. Our nursery is not staffed, so you will need to remain with your child. Sunday School is available for children of all ages after the worship service.
- How long is the service? Roughly an hour on Sunday morning. Wednesday services run 35-45 minutes.
- What kind of music do you have? We follow a liturgical order of service as found in Lutheran Service Book, and all of the hymns we sing are from that hymnal. They are accompanied by organ or keyboard.
- What happens when I arrive? Our parking lot has spots designated for Seniors, Handicapped, and Visitors. Please park wherever you feel comfortable. The sanctuary of the church is located on the north side of the property. Please enter through the single door that is facing east. (see photo). Once you enter, follow the hallway around to the right to enter the fellowship hall and the sanctuary. You will be greeted by some of our members, or pastor, or one of our elders. If you're early, please feel free to sit and have a cup of coffee. As you enter the sanctuary, you'll be handed a bulletin and a communion registration card if you are receiving communion. Please sit anywhere you like!
- Can I take communion? We believe that our Lord gives us not only bread and wine, but that the bread and wine are His very body and blood to eat and drink for the forgiveness of our sins. Those who eat and drink our Lord’s body and blood in an unworthy manner, do so to their great harm. Our church body practices close(d) communion and we seek to follow this practice as best we can with God's help. If you are a member of one of our sister congregations in the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod or partner church, you are welcome to receive communion. Those not receiving communion, including small children, are encouraged to come forward to receive a blessing. Simply cross your arms over your chest to indicate to us that you desire a blessing. This is totally voluntary and you can remain in your seat if you wish. If you desire to take Communion with us, but have not been formally instructed, or are in doubt about our confession of faith, we ask that you first speak with the Pastor or one of the elders prior to Sunday morning. More about our communion practice can be found on our Communion Statement page.
- More about the worship service
Just before the start of the service, an acolyte will light the candles while our organist plays a prelude. The Pastor will enter and greet the congregation and make any special announcements about the service. The service will then begin with the opening hymn. The hymn numbers will be printed in your bulletin and are also displayed on the hymn boards. The Sunday morning liturgy consists of the following sections.- The Service of Preparation - After the opening hymn, we begin worship in the name of The Father, and The Son, and The Holy Spirit. We then confess our sins together and receive God's forgiveness through the pastor.
- The Service of the Word - We then sing a Psalm, called the Introit, which is printed in your bulletin. We then sing God's praise and hear His Word through Scripture readings and sermon. We confess our faith, offer our gifts, and lift up our prayers.
- The Service of the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion, The Sacrament of the Altar, The Eucharist) -
- The service continues with the service of the Lord's Supper.
- If you are communing, the ushers will let you know when it is your row's turn. Simply come forward stand on whichever side of the church has enough room for your party. We do not have kneelers, so our people commune while standing.
- Holy Communion is celebrated with wafers and your choice of individual glasses of wine, or taking from a common chalice.
- If you wish to take communion but are unable to walk to the front of the church, just notify the usher, and the pastor will serve communion to you where you are seated.
- Closing and Benediction - Having received forgiveness of our sins, life, and salvation, we receive God's Blessing. The service concludes with a closing hymn and announcements from the pastor and congregation. During the postlude, you will be ushered out of your pew one row at a time. Feel free to join us in the fellowship hall for coffee and greeting one another. Adult Bible Study and Sunday School begin shortly after the conclusion of the service.